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Set Your Mind

You either have an abundance mindset:
Believing there is more out there for you.
Or you have scarcity mindset:
You believe there is very little out there for you,
Therefore, you better hold on to what you have.
By the way, both thinking works!
Example: If you believe not much out there for you,
Scarcity is what you get.
Because as you think so it becomes in your life.
We do not see things as they are. We see things are we are.
So if a scarcity mindset, I see things in a scarcity way.
Not what is but as we see them.
Also true with an abundance mindset.
If I believe there is more out there for me, I will see more.
I see and back up things based on the way I think.
Because we see things as we are, not as they are.
Question is not good or bad or right or wrong.
The question is what do you want!
Do you want to go without?
Simple, have a scarcity mindset and you will go without.
If a scarcity mindset, you will never have enough.
If an abundance mindset, you will find there is more out there.
Your Choice!
Scarcity! Abundance!
By the way, we choose abundance!

~ angeL.
